Community-led affordable housing in Dufftown and District
The DDCA are working with the Communities Housing Trust and Moray Council to consult the community, scope and design for future expansions of Dufftown’s housing stock. There is high demand for provision of affordable housing in Speyside to support new families and local residents to move up the housing ladder. Affordable housing is also needed for those in their later years who require assisted living to stay in their local community. The Housing design will be fit for a Net Zero Carbon future with appropriate steps made to ensure that the housing is compatible for living through a changing climate.
Of critical importance to the community is the availability of affordable housing, both for sale and to rent, which would support a diverse, inclusive, and sustainable community. Community-led housing has many benefits: it provides additional supply that would not be available through the mainstream; mobilises popular support for new homes; helps diversify the house building industry; provides choice for older people needing age appropriate housing and helps people afford to buy their own home. In summary, this development will provide affordable, long-term homes for the local community, offered in a range of tenures, improving community resilience and sustainability.
Housing Needs and Demand Analysis 2021
- Strong demand for 2 and 3 bedroom low cost rental and low cost ownership properties.
- Demand for 4 bedroom properties, smaller properties for families wishing to downsize, self-build properties and houses with integrated workspace.
- Provision of more housing has the potential to attract new people to the area.
- The existing community is supportive of increasing the local population to ensure the long-term viability of the town.
- Residents are strongly in favour of ensuring that the needs of local people are met first.
Want to know more? Have a read of the full Dufftown Housing Needs and Demand Report.
Partnership working
A partnership has been formed between Dufftown & District Community Association and Moray Council to deliver affordable housing on the Hillside Farm development site in Dufftown. The first stage of the project is to develop a concept masterplan for the site that will create a framework to deliver a development reflective of the character, history and built heritage of Dufftown.
We believe that this project will positively impact the communities’ demographics and increase the provision of informal child care and support for elderly residents by attracting and retaining young economically and socially active families who will support local businesses, public services and community activities. By developing a project with a mix of appropriate tenures and house designs the outputs will meet present needs of the community and will support its future sustainable development.
Hillside Farm Masterplan 2023-24
Masterplan timeline
- This event gives an opportunity to ask questions about the Hillside Farm Housing strategy project and learn more about the design process.
- Feedback has been summarised in a newsletter.
December 2023 – Community Consultation: Developed Proposals
- The second event focused on the developed proposal for the site and character principles for housing.
- Feedback has been summarised in a newsletter.
March 2024 – Submission of a Draft Masterplan to Moray Council Planning Committee
- Feedback welcomed through a formal 8 week consultation period let by Moray Council.
More detailed information and opportunity for feedback can be found on the Hillside Farm Masterplan website.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this important?
Feedback from the community has shown that the limited availability of good quality affordable and secure accommodation is limiting families’ ability to move to or remain in the community, existing businesses to grow and new businesses to start up. For the community, to revive, grow and attract new young, economically active residents and businesses this housing shortage needs to be addressed.
Why this site?
Due to the topography of the area and the town’s existing land use pattern there is very limited availability of land suitable for residential development. The Hillside Farm has been zoned in the Local Development Plan for housing and has been identified as suitable for community-led and social housing.
Who will build the houses and for whom?
It is proposed that 20 mixed tenure community-led homes will be developed by Dufftown & District Community Association in partnership with Moray Council, who will also provide a further 20 homes for social rent. The community-led homes will include a mix of affordable housing tenures including social rent equivalent and discounted sales. The latter will be protected as affordable with the Rural Housing Burden and all community-led properties will be controlled by Dufftown & District Community Association on behalf of the community. It is anticipated that the remaining parts of the site will be developed for private, owner-occupancy housing by a developer.
Is there enough educational capacity for an increase in the town’s population?
The pupils generated by this development are zoned to Mortlach Primary School and Speyside High School. The current physical capacity of Mortlach Primary School is 57% and Speyside High School is 72% and therefore can accommodate the additional pupils.
Is there enough healthcare capacity for an increase in the town’s population?
Developers will contribute towards expansion of healthcare in the town, as required by the Local Development Plan.
Is there enough utilities capacity for the development?
There is currently insufficient capacity withing the local wastewater treatment works to accommodate foul water from the proposed development. An upgrade from Scottish Water would be needed. In 2022, Dufftown & District Community Association commissioned a desktop feasibility study of the Hillside Farm development site. Caintech were appointed to provide advice in relation to determining a solution for the disposal of foul & surface water, providing a water supply, confirming access arrangements and provision of utilities from the proposed housing development in Dufftown. For more information, you can read the full report.
What will you do about green spaces?
Quality green space is just as important as the homes themselves, making the most of existing trees, green connections to the town and the sites’ views will be central to the design alongside introducing a new play space and park to the neighbourhood. This will be developed more fully and displayed as the Masterplan develops.
What will the homes look like?
The homes are not yet designed. The focus of this Masterplan is to work out the site layout and design principles that subsequent developments will adhere to. Character and layout will be developed more fully and displayed as the Masterplan develops.