While it has taken sometime to find our feet on our Sub Groups, the Protecting Heritage group has been busy!
The Dufftown History mobile application
The mobile application was to be built by a student from Moray College in Elgin, but unfortunately had to stop due to personal circumstances. Now a Dutch Company, has offered to build the app for Dufftown at no costs. The app will be built natively for both iOS and Android which makes it very stable and professional. As an extra bonus the app will have the LiveTours software integrated so it can be used during guided walks as well. James Gillies, a local resident from Glenrinnes, has provided all the narratives for the points of interest at no charge, so a working version of the app could be available in June or July 2021.
Every new app has little imperfections so we will require the help of some local app testers to find them. So, if you like history and especially that of Dufftown, please do volunteer!
Illustrating Dufftown’s History
To complement the mobile application a series of local interpretation boards, designed to highlight Dufftown’s history while also encouraging locals and tourists alike to Discover Dufftown are to be released. A sneak-peak of what is in development is included in this article. The signage will also include a proposed Story Walk from Gordon’s Cross to the Giant’s Chair.
To find out more or keep updated about our progress, please subscribe to our newsletter, get in touch via the website to volunteer or just to ask a question.