As I approach the end of my first month in post, I would like to say ‘Thank you’ for the welcome to the role and your Community!
My main focus has been getting to know the DDCA, the local area and I am beginning to meet some of the Charities and Groups in Dufftown and District. This week I had an inspiring visit to the Keith and Dufftown Railway, met their team of talented volunteers and heard about their plans over the coming months. I also had a tour of the station and was lucky enough to see inside the carriages and workshop. I had to share a picture of the ‘Dram Tram’ for anyone who hasn’t seen it as it truly is a thing of beauty.
This week, I have also had the pleasure of meeting Julie for Speyside Youth and Mandy from the Community Centre, both gave me a real insight in to their work and plans for the future and I am looking forward to working with them both and hope to make it a long to a Speyside Youth event soon too.
I will continue to make introductions with other groups in the area as well as getting to know the surrounding communities. We hope to have our first Community Forum in April and I will confirm the date over the next week.
As ever, please feel free to contact me on -aileen@dufftowncommunity.co.uk